Monday, September 28, 2009

It's a Jungle Out There

Or a rain forest to be exact! We ate at the Rainforest Cafe in Ontario on Friday. We love the Rainforest Cafe, but don't have one in San Diego. We've eaten at several, including the ones at Disney, Phoenix, and Sacramento. Sad to say though, the Leapin' Lizard Lettuce Wraps have changed and aren't as good as they used to be. Enjoyed the Lava Cake though!

Ally and I took a trip to Ontario (California, not to be confused with Canada) to Dylan's farewell party. He leaves for Navy bootcamp on October 5. We stayed overnight at the Double Tree, shopped, and got to see Frank & Thelma Robinson and Tim & Lisa Kirkes (and boys) as well as Dylan's family. Had a lot of fun catching up with everyone. Ontario Mills mall is incredible. Ally and I shopped there twice and still only saw half the mall.

Ally's first day running again will be today. Hopefully she'll be able to do just a mile and see how it goes. She'll have to work her way back up to six miles. She has a race on Saturday, don't know if the coach will have her run or not. She also goes to retreat for three days starting tomorrow, which means more sleep for me! And less running around. Chris and I might go to a movie on Wednesday. Chris wants to do the San Diego Mud Run (5k) with Ally on his birthday, November 22, but after looking at the muddy water pics, she doesn't want to do it. I agree -- running with soggy, wet, muddy shoes and socks? Ick.

I should not have waited so long between posts -- lots going on. Thursday evening everything came together to blow up at once. I was at volleyball so I wasn't answering my phone. Ally was at youth group waiting to be picked up by Chris. Her phone was almost dead. Chris got up to get Ally then go to work, and the government car (brand new Explorer) wouldn't start. He thinks too many radios and gadgets draining the battery. He tried to get a jump -- three "no's." One guy acted like he only spoke Spanish, when Chris started talking to him in Spanish, he acted like he didn't understand that either. HA HA!

So Chris tries to call Amy to come get him, and someone answers speaking in Spanish. Chris thinks the guy either has Amy's phone or also Amy, so he calls me -- at which point I finally answer the phone -- and tells me to call Verizon and cancel Amy's service. Turns out that the phone lines just got crossed somehow and Amy's phone wasn't stolen (and she wasn't kidnapped). Meanwhile, though, I've cancelled the service on Amy's phone and am trying to get Ally to get a ride home... it was a big mess and Chris lost it... but we all made up now:) Poor Amy couldn't get ahold of anyone because her phone wouldn't work. Chris was starting to panic, thinking someone had her.

Chris is glad to get rid of the new government car. They traded it for a gold Crown Victoria while the Explorer is getting checked out. I said the new car looks like a "pimp mobile" or something... but he's happy not to have to worry about something happening to the brand new car.

This Sunday is Ally's birthday party at Santee Lakes. It's pretty much open to anyone -- having a BBQ and she might go on the pedal boats as well. She invited friends from school, the cross country team, friends from church, and posted it on her Facebook.... so who knows who is going to show up.

I haven't been eating that well, so haven't lost any of the last ten pounds. Back on track today. We are breaking down and getting a DVR so we can watch TV shows and fast forward through the commercials, etc. I don't watch much TV, but Chris and Ally wanted it. It's only $5 a month, so I caved.

Haven't heard back from my traffic ticket appeal and the payment was due within 30 days, so I might have to call there in the next couple days and see what's what.


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