Monday, June 21, 2010

Fun at the Fair

Went to the San Diego County Fair this week. Had a great time, it wasn't busy at all during the week. Had awesome Aussie Chips...

Ally and I rode the Tilt-a-Whirl...

We bought Chris a Vitamix blender at the fair at a big discount... he'd been saving for awhile and the family pitched in the last $100 for Father's Day. We've been cooking up smoothies, soups, and even ice cream. The blender is great because the friction heats the soup without a heating element. So easy to make healthy meals. Here's Chris and Ally at Red Lobster where we ate for Father's Day. Amy had to work until 5 p.m. so she missed out -- couldn't go later because Chris needs sleep before going in to work.

Ally got a purse and jewelry at the fair. Somehow all I got was a stuffed banana. HA HA HA -- I probably had to the most fun though, I love all the animal exhibits, the flower exhibit, and the photography exhibits.

Amy's enjoying cosmetology school, Ally's out for the summer and just got her driving permit. Jesus take the wheel!

My Sig

Monday, June 07, 2010


Really looking forward to the summer and school being out, warm weather, and our cruise in August. Ally is winding up for finals next week, then she's out for the summer. The weather was in the high 80's this past weekend. Loved it. Also got our tickets package from Costco for the San Diego County Fair in Del Mar. One of my favorite things to do! I love the animals and exhibits. Can't wait!

I've been going to the gym every day for an hour, except Fridays when I recover from my three hour volleyball stints on Thursday nights. Been eating well also. Losing a few extra pounds and feeling good.

We honored vets and active military in our church service over Memorial Day. Here's me, Chris and our long-time friend, Dave. Had to squeak a little to fit in the old uniform! Wow, I enlisted in the Navy 27 years ago! Now, that's scary.

My birthday weekend was so fun -- Ally was away for the weekend camping and it was a three day weekend, so I just did whatever I wanted and played with my favorite birthday present of all time -- an iPad. Love it! I can play games, read books, use the internet, listen to music. Best of all, it fits on the tiny shelf on the treadmills at the gym. Tonight I am attending an "iPad Class" at the Apple store to learn more about my new gadget.

My family in Ohio was very close to the destructive tornado that ripped through there this past weekend. They are all safe -- PTL!

My Sig