Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Floor Plans

Yes, we have plans for our floor!  Yes, our carpet is 30 years old.  Yes, we haven't done much to our place since we moved in 10 years ago.  That is slowly changing and has for the past year or so (it helps that I work for a general contractor now).

A long time ago... 21 years ago... we made a commitment to sacrifice our want of house so we could send our two girls to Christian school for their entire schooling.  We rented apartments for the first 15 years of our marriage.  Ten years ago, by God's blessing, we were able to pay outright through an inheritance for the condo we now live in.  Our girls have (or are close to) graduating, and we are starting to improve little by little our condo.  Someday we may own a house -- but I love too much that I don't have a mortgage.  I don't even know how we would live in San Diego, let alone have sent our kids to private school, if we had a huge house payment.  Besides, the less area I have to clean the better!  I am just as content to die in our condo (although Chris might have something to say about that).

My kitchen is finished and half the flooring downstairs.  Now it's finally time to replace the old carpeting, finish scraping off the acoustic ceilings, and replace fans and lighting with some new fans and maybe some can lights.  This flooring was on sale at Costco this month.  It will go in in a few weeks.  There are many more things needed, like remodeling bathrooms, replacing our patio door, the ceilings and floors upstairs, etc., but one step at a time!

Amy and I went shopping at Armstrongs, a beauty supply store where you can only shop with a cosmotology license.  She bought this cool nail polish called "Black Shatter."  It's very popular right now, and you put in on over another color.  It separates and makes kind of a leopard look.  She did one of my nails just so I could see it.  Pretty cool, but I think I'm a little too old for this look... ha ha!

A friend sent me this pic as I am always raving about Starbucks and my addiction to it.  I told her, "It's like someone took a picture of my brain!"

I am headed to Sedona for the weekend.  Leaving tomorrow (Thursday) and returning Monday morning and going straight from the airport back to work.  My BFF's brother-in-law is getting married, although the wedding is really just an excuse for me to hang out with her all weekend.  Looking forward to it -- got my tickets on Southwest for $49 each way.  It's supposed to rain and maybe snow there all weekend, but it's supposed to rain here all weekend, too.  Really looking forward to getting away...

My Sig

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