I don't participate in a lot of stuff on Facebook -- but this I thought was cool. You post that you are going to Pay It Forward by sending something homemade to the first five people to comment on your post. They in turn must do the same. So, of course, my five people are getting these... two boxes are ready to ship, and the other three are local and I will work on them this week. I got to comment on several posts myself, so I will be getting a few freebies also... looking forward to one in particular from a friend who makes pottery.
We are enjoying our PS3, especially the sports. I have played volleyball, table tennis, bocce ball, and archery. Very fun. Haven't played any shoot 'em up games yet myself, but Chris, Amy, and Ally are learning Call of Duty (Black Ops). I downloaded pac-man, played karaoke, and Ally and I have been playing a game together called Little Big Planet. I'm sure there is much more to do, but I haven't figured out the on-line stuff yet. One thing is for sure -- our ceiling fan has to go. We move around way too much with the PS Move and that thing is going to go flying. Let's see -- who do I know who can take out a ceiling fan and put in can lights for me? Oh yeah, my work guys! Mwah ha ha.
It's nice that Ally has been able to drive herself lots of places lately. She drove to Alpine in the dark over the weekend -- freaked me out, but she did fine (as far as I know). Tonight there is a concert in La Mesa. It's at a church, so I told her she could drive. I'm just glad we have a GPS, so I don't have to worry too much about her getting lost. We have had talks about not looking at the GPS while driving, just look at it ahead of time to see where you are going, listen to it, and look at it while stopped if necessary. One of her friends already totalled her mother's car while looking at a GPS while driving and hit a parked car.
She's saving up for a car and has $700.00, which is pretty good considering she doesn't have a regular job. She does babysitting here and there and is hoping for a summer job.
So glad to hear an update on the console. We had to change around our entire living room so we could be in a better position. =)