The old floor is out, but I'm still waiting on the new! It's supposed to be here today and installed tomorrow. Maybe it will happen, maybe not. They also ripped out my base moulding, fortunately the guys at my work can install new. What can I say about what was under the 25 year old carpet... except that it makes me want to rip out the rest of the carpet in the house. But my floor installer said he's seen much worse. It makes me wonder if a vacuum cleaner even does anything. The good news is my new stove and micro are installed, and we love them. I've been cooking just to be cooking!

Had a little time to do some scrapbooking...

When I'm on the computer, sometimes Cuddles visits me and sits just like this...

We made an appointment at the post office and got Ally's passport ordered for the cruise. Now if airline tickets will just come down in price.
Made some goodies for St. Patrick's Day...

Saw the trailer for Eclipse, and we're already making plans to hit the midnight show. It comes out June 30, which is good since it would have been a school night, but no -- it will be summer!
The weather here has been heaven... it's supposed to be 85 today and no rain in sight.
With all the remodel, I threw my back out again on Saturday. I have to make myself not lift or pull anything heavy. I keep thinking I will be fine if I'm careful... but no. Today I am almost back to normal. Spent almost two days in bed.
Got a ticket on my way to work last week. He didn't run my tags, so I didn't get the law enforcement pass. I found out from my CHP friend that I'm supposed to say, "Yeah, my husband's in law enforcement, and he always warns me about stopping completely (or whatever)." That's the hint I needed. Well my friend told me to do a trial by declaration, which is where you send in a written statement, and if the CHP officer doesn't do it, you get off the hook. Another friend and I were thinking of all these things I could have said or did... and then I said, or we could just stop breaking the law, maybe that'd be easier. HA! The cop said I didn't stop completely before the white line at the stop sign. Please, if I didn't stop completely I was pretty close... even my kids said I always stop at stop signs. Either he just wanted to write a ticket, or he saw the latte in my hand and got jealous.
In closing I just want to harp that I am sick and tired of voting for people in elections just because there is no one better to vote for. I need some candidates I can get onboard with! Come on, is it too much to ask to have conservative, Christians run for office who won't compromise? Someone told me that even if that is what they are, once in office, things change and politics take over. Lord help us!
Your candy looks amazing as always!