Friday, November 13, 2009

Latte Weather

I actually had to turn on the heater in my car on the way home tonight. Ahhhhh... and my lattes in the morning (sugar free vanilla) are just what I need... like a little taste of heaven! Broke down and bought an electric kettle -- got tired of heating one on the stove all the time, or in the micro.

The cats like a little warmth now and then, too!

Speaking of micro, mine is dying. Slowly but surely... first the LED lights slowly went out, now it no longer beeps for anything, so I don't know if I pushed the buttons for sure or not. And, of course, the warranty just ran out. What I really want to do it ditch it and replace my stove with a flat top one with the micro above it... but since that's about $800, I'll probably do nothing and just keep babying the micro since it still heats. That'll last until I accidently melt chocolate for 20 minutes instead of 2.

Made some healthy meals this week... an angel food pineapple cake, healthy pancakes, a hashbrown casserole which was pretty good. But also made these chocolates which were to die for. Caramel coated in white chocolate, and then I had these orange crunch bits that I bought at the candy supply store, wasn't quite sure what to do with them, so I stirred them in some white chocolate. Man were they good -- tasted like those orange creme pops. TASTY!

Had to work on Veteran's Day even though I AM a vet! I sent Vet thank you's to all my friends on Facebook who I knew were Vets. Didn't know I had so many!

I went into my fave Starbucks (which means it's not crowded), and ordered my drink. Sat down to read my Bible and my studies, and they forgot to make my drink. So I finally got it and a coupon for a free one. Ally told me I should order the Venti with the free one and milk it for all it's worth, but I didn't think I could drink one that big, plus extra calories and all, but I did get a Grande instead of a Tall. Found this pic that will be my gravestone for SURE! I know there's a carmel frap light waiting in heaven for me when I get there.

Ally had league finals this week and placed 15th in the 5k run. Her side had been hurting her for unknown reasons for about three days, but she hasn't mentioned it lately so I'm hoping it's past. Her regional championships are on the 21st and if she qualifies for state, she'll have to make a decision whether to go to Fresno to run or come to Michigan with me to meet up with the family. She has a non-refundable ticket that was over $400 and our hotel room in Michigan is paid for -- made the plans months ago, but at the time I told her if she ran cross country and qualified for state, she could make the decision whether to go or not. I won't go this year, but Chris will take her if she decides to go. She keeps wavering back and forth -- I told her not to stress about it until she even sees if she qualifies.

I am making a mental note to get my Thanksgiving cooking stuff by Monday at the latest. I definitely want to avoid grocery stores the week of due to crowds and low supply of T-Day items. Chris reminded me that it seems like I always send him out for a last minute item or two. Please, now does that sound like me?!


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