Monday, October 22, 2012

Born to Crop... Not to Mop

I have done my share of cleaning this week -- trying to leave the house in order before I head to Ohio on a quick five day trip.  I get a lot more enthused about my digital scrapbooking, though.  I'm all up to date on organizing and storing my photos, too.  Woo hoo!

Here's proof that I'm caught up on my scrapbooking...  I also print these out on archival paper in 12" x 12" albums.

I'm not sure if it's because the kids are grown now, or what, but I have seemed to have more time lately to get stuff done:)

My Sig

Monday, October 08, 2012

I'm Freeeeee, Freeeeee Fallin'

Ally turned 18 and went skydiving the next day.  Amy went with her, too.  They had a lot of fun.  So glad we paid the extra for photos and a videographer.  I will never do such a thing, but they certainly had a good time.



The instructors made it a lot of fun.  We have over 200 photos, I'm thinking of making the girls photo books through Costco for Christmas.

My Sig