Monday, April 23, 2012

Western Days

Oh how I dread rodeo weekend in Lakeside.  Noise, traffic... ugh!  We live close enough to the rodeo grounds that the music and announcer just drift right in to our house.  It always wakes Chris up.

On the other hand, there is one good thing about the weekend... the Western Days Parade, which reminds me of the parades in the little towns I grew up around...

The Border Patrol!

Reminds me of the John Deere my dad used to drive...

In other news, we are working like mad to get Ally's scholarships finalized.  GCU lost her entire package and already awarded the major scholarships she was working for.  It's a long story, but I raised a ruckus, and now she is being interviewed on Thursday.

Tonight Ally and I are meeting friends to see Titanic 3D at the luxury theater where we can recline and enjoy!

My ankle is still hurting somewhat from volleyball several weeks ago.  I continue to do exersizes for my finger that was broken playing volleyball.  Somehow it takes longer and longer to heal properly... it could be because I keep playing, or maybe I am just getting older!  After volleyball on Saturday, we ate at Slaters 50/50 where they have these huge $9 burgers.  Mine was their Famous Burger... 50% ground chuck, 50% ground bacon, an egg sunny side up, and avocado!

Can you believe the size of this cat that was in the news this week?  Makes my Tigger look like he's starving!

My Sig

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hangin' With My Peeps

Had a great Easter.  We all went to church.  Chris had egg security patrol, so he felt he didn't need to "dress up."  Our neighbor came with us, then we had Easter lunch together at our house after.  He made a ham, deviled eggs, gravy, and dessert.  I made mashed potatoes, scalloped corn, biscuits, and provided drinks.  I then did the dishes and took an Easter nap in the afternoon.  Then I arose.

He is Risen!

By the way, we got our dresses for $18 at Costco!  All three of use have a new dress for a total of $60... nice!

My Sig