... the rain has gone! B-E-A-UTIFUL out now... the crazy weather has lifted and we are back in the high 60's, just in time for mom to come visit and warm up for a few weeks.

Ally's back in iceskating... I am going to try to post a few very short videos here of her jumps and spins that she is learning. Haven't posted videos before, so we will see how that works out. They were taken in pretty low resolution from my cell phone, so the quality is not great.
I've been cleaning like a mad woman getting ready for the visit. Have the girl's rooms to finish up this weekend then I'm finished. Even had the sofa steam cleaned -- here's Tigger and Cuddles enjoying the freshness!
I watched Jumping Jack Flash today on TV. I laughed so hard I was crying. Hadn't seen it in years, and I forgot how funny that scene is when she comes into the office high on truth serum. Now I wish I would've put it on the DVR for awhile.
This is my new WANT -- the up and coming IPad. But first I need a new stove and kitchen floor, Chris needs dental work, the car needs a timing belt... so maybe in May for my birthday, but I would have to save up at least half by then. Everyone who reads this, send $50 please:P
I was driving down our street, came to a stopsign, and the guy in front of me sailed a CD out the window of his car like a frisbee. He was the only one in there... maybe it was Lady Ga Ga.
Well I read in the news this week that Arnold is proposing to PAY Mexico to build prisons to house their own illegal immigrant criminals who are over here in our jails -- it would be cheaper, he said. Can you say WHAT?! Are you kidding me? I can't even start to comment on the things wrong with this picture or this blog would be a novel!
Fortunately our HOA is responsible for our roof -- with all the weather we had, Ally's ceiling is showing signs of a leak. They temporarily patched it until they find out if it's under warranty. There is a big stain kinda in the shape of a cross on her ceiling. Hopefully they will fix that, too. Otherwise, we will paint Jesus on it and it can be a reminder to us all.
I taught the ladies Bible study this week as our usual teacher's hubby had knee surgery. It went good -- don't even really have to teach... the ladies have so much good input, I always learn more than them! We are studying another Cynthia Heald book, Becoming a Woman of Freedom.
Well, it's hard to believe my dad and brother both died two years ago... my dad within just a few months of being diagnosed with ALS and my brother very unexpectedly. It seems like just last month... can we not slow down the time?! Ally will be starting driver's ed next month... that's another daughter on the road... SCARY! For me AND the other drivers! Amy's good though -- she hasn't had any accidents to speak of in the four years she's been driving out here on these crazy roads. A couple of minor dings, nothing even to go through insurance... whew!
Okay, well time to see if I can post videos in here... if you can't find them you'll know I was not successful:)